I’m Sarah Cahalan, and I’m having a weird year.

When the pandemic came along last spring and uprooted all of our lives, I was six months into an uprooting already underway. I’d chosen in August 2019 to quit my job and go back to school, and by the fall of 2020, I planned to emerge as a lifestyle journalist with a shiny new Medill master’s.

I got the master’s, and, though it’s temporary, I even got a journalism job — but it’s not exactly the fun-focused role I had in mind.

In a desperate attempt to cling to joy, I ramped up my baking habit under lockdown. So when Sarah Kieffer’s 100 Cookies landed under my Christmas tree, an idea was born: I’d bake my way through it and document the process online. With this Julie & Julia for the quarantine era, I make no promises I’ll get through every recipe, and I wouldn’t put money on all my efforts succeeding. (The world is ending, after all.) But I hope to prove to myself and my future employers that, despite our COVID-induced separation, the lifestyle beat and I can still hang. Stay tuned for sparkling-wit-infused commentary, the okayest food photography the iPhone 8 has to offer, and somewhere in the range of 100 cookies.


Buy the book!

We wouldn’t be here without the cookbookin’ brilliance of Minnesota’s own Sarah Kieffer. So if you like what you see from Roughly 100 Cookies — or you’re terrified of it but see potential somewhere deep within, if the recipes were put in more expert hands — you should definitely buy the real thing. Find it from Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, and Target.