Coup Cookies


The baking began as the Capitol was besieged.

How’s that for an opener?

As you read in my last post, I took on this Roughly 100 Cookies project around New Year’s — and, by coincidence, it was January 6 when I decided to start baking. I set my butter out to soften that morning, figuring that, by my lunch break, I’d have time to get started on Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies, the first recipe in the book.

That, uh, didn’t work out! By lunchtime, the United States Capitol was literally and actually under attack, so I was a bit preoccupied with work (Global Crisis 1) on one screen and the unfolding news (Crisis 2) on another. The worse things got in Washington, though, the softer my butter became — so, by the end of my shift, I said, “Screw it. We’re making these cookies.”

This recipe came together pretty easily, which was convenient since my attention was divided throughout between my dough and the PBS NewsHour livestream I set up behind it.

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Cookie #1, featuring the desk I really do work at every day that really is that lime green.

I had a couple of small quibbles with these cookies, but nothing serious. They took a bit more time in my oven than the recipe suggested, and they never really darkened in color.

It’s possible I brought this on myself by baking two trays at once instead of the one-at-a-time pace the book called for — but if that is the case, let me assure you I will happily put up with pale. We’re in a Panda Express, Barbara. I am not baking one tray at a time.

Overall, though, these cookies were soft (as advertised), chocolatey, and a lovely start to the project. I can’t really tell you how well they hold up when they’re not fresh, but I can say they’re a fantastic treat to shove down your gullet by the fistful while watching your country disintegrate live on Twitter. Give ‘em a try!


Chipper No. 2


The Beginning