Victory 2.0


I am delighted to report that, with my latest bake, I have succeeded again. There’s not much to say about it, I don’t know how it happened, but it’s true — I have transformed from trash to trophy wife in two dozen cookies.

The next recipe in the book was for Snickerdoodles, which sounded uneventful and pretty much were. I did open with a bit of a spat against some coconut oil — it was too liquid, it was too solid; blame the demonic whims of my building’s ancient radiators — but, after that point, it was smooth sailing. The dough came together easily, the cookies baked evenly, and, most importantly, they looked gorgeous at every phase of the process. Like, look at these!


They tasted good, too, though I will say that they’re best at their freshest. In fact, if you want peak performance out of these, I’d recommend just whipping up a raw batch and eating that. (Can’t go stale if you never let them bake!) Yes, eating raw dough is dangerous, salmonella is deadly, yadda yadda yadda — but climate change is gonna wipe us all out anyway, and this dough is delicious. I say roll the friggin’ dice.

My recent successes suggest that I may just be improving as a baker thanks to all these baking experiments, but rest assured: I am confident I will still mess up many of the remaining recipes from this book. We’re nearing the end of Chapter One (The Basics), so stay tuned to see how the rest turn out and watch what happens when I progress into more complicated territory. See y’all next time!



